"Kämpfe um syrische Millionenstadt: Assad-Kollaps in Aleppo | Politik | BILD.de"

"Kämpfe um syrische Millionenstadt: Assad-Kollaps in Aleppo | Politik | BILD.de"

"Horror-Tag für Syriens Diktator Assad. Seine Armee ist im Nordwesten Syriens in Auflösung begriffen. BILD erklärt die brisante Lage."
29-11-2024 23:14:47

"Syrian armed rebels enter Aleppo for the first time in 8 years | CNN"

"Syrian armed rebels claim to have entered Aleppo, the first time rebels have entered the country’s second largest city since government forces recaptured the city in 2016. The Syrian military said it was confronting a “major attack” launched by “terrorist organizations” armed with heavy weaponry and drones."
29-11-2024 21:49:40

"Syrische rebellen in straten Aleppo, leger Assad onder druk"

29-11-2024 21:36:43

"Syrische rebellen in straten Aleppo, leger Assad onder druk"

29-11-2024 21:36:42

"Duizenden Syrische rebellen bereiken buitenwijken van Aleppo, gevechten in het westen van de stad | VRT NWS: nieuws"

29-11-2024 18:12:15

"Syrian rebels claim to have entered Aleppo | CNN"

"Syrian opposition forces claim to have entered Aleppo city from the western side, according to a statement released on Friday by the newly formed rebel coalition, the Military Operations Command."
29-11-2024 15:19:49

"Syria rebels launch major offensive in north-west and gain territory"

"The rebels have reportedly taken several towns and villages in Aleppo and Idlib provinces since Wednesday."
29-11-2024 00:13:05

"Syrien-Rebellen überrennen Assads Truppen und nutzen Ukraine-Taktik | Politik | BILD.de"

"Syrische Rebellengruppen starten erfolgreiche Großoffensive in Aleppo und Idlib, erobern 35 Städte und nutzen Taktiken aus dem Ukraine-Krieg."
28-11-2024 17:12:07

"Geweld laait op in Syrië: rebellen veroveren voor het eerst sinds 2020 terrein op regeringsleger in buurt van Aleppo | VRT NWS: nieuws"

28-11-2024 16:17:33

"Angriff auf Assad! Syrien-Krieg flammt plötzlich wieder auf | Politik | BILD.de"

"Syrische Rebellen-Großoffensive auf Aleppo! Assads Truppen sind unter Druck."
28-11-2024 12:44:19

"Syrian rebels launch major attack on regime forces in Aleppo province | CNN"

"Syrian rebels have launched a large-scale attack on regime forces in western Aleppo, according to a Free Syrian Army source and local residents, marking the first major flare-up in years between both sides."
27-11-2024 20:31:44

" Syria: Clashes over Aleppo airport leave 150 dead - CBS News"

"Syrian army and rebel fighters have been fighting for days over control of the country's second-largest airport"
26-11-2024 08:27:22

" Syrian rebels attack presidential palace in Damascus - CBS News"

"Unclear whether Assad was "home" when rebels attacked palace; missile levels stretch of buildings in Aleppo"
26-11-2024 06:37:20