"Baltimore bridge collapse: Father of three among victims"

"Baltimore bridge collapse: Father of three among victims"

"Six people are presumed dead after the bridge collapsed, but what do we know about them?"
27-03-2024 11:09:08

"Rettungseinsatz nach Brücken-Kollaps von Baltimore | News | BILD.de"

"In der Nacht rammt ein Schiff die Frances-Scott-Key-Brücke im Hafen von Baltimore. Die Brücke bricht komplett zusammen, reißt Autos und Menschen ins Wasser."
27-03-2024 10:47:25

"Lessons for Baltimore: How Minneapolis recovered from its 1-35W bridge collapse 17 years ago | CNN Business"

"The collapse of the the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday is unfortunately not the first deadly collapse of a major interstate bridge in the US. But the response to a bridge failure in Minneapolis 17 years ago, one of the most catastrophic bridge failures in recent memory, could serve as a roadmap for Baltimore moving forward."
27-03-2024 10:47:03

"Bridge accidents: Three ships have hit bridges in Argentina, China and Baltimore in just three months | CNN"

"A deadly bridge collapse in Baltimore. A bridge in southern China cut in half. Parts of a bridge cutting through the hull of a massive ship in Argentina."
27-03-2024 09:54:12

"Baltimore key bridge collapse: Recovery efforts continue for 6 presumed dead after Baltimore bridge collapse as investigation gets underway | CNN"

"The US Coast Guard has suspended search and rescue efforts for six people who were on the Francis Scott Key Bridge when it collapsed early Tuesday following a major cargo boat collision. Recovery efforts are now underway for the missing people, who are presumed dead. "
27-03-2024 09:54:08

"Baltimore: Brücken vor Containerschiffen nur schwer zu schützen | News | BILD.de"

"In Baltimore hat ein Schiff eine Brücke eingerissen. BILD sprach mit Experten: „Das war kein Einzelfall.“ Warum Brückenpfeiler so schwer zu schützen sind. "
27-03-2024 08:45:08

"Baltimore bridge collapse: First missing person named as all six presumed dead - Mirror Online"

"The distraught families of the missing workers have gathered together as they await news of their loved ones who fell into the river after the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed "
27-03-2024 08:44:17

"Baltimore: Miguel (49) war auf der Brücke als sie einstürzte, er wird vermisst | News | BILD.de"

"Nach dem Kollaps der Baltimore-Brücke haben die Behörden die Suche nach den sechs Vermissten eingestellt. Dass sie leben, gilt als unwahrscheinlich. Doch Miguels Frau Maria gibt die Hoffnung nicht auf."
27-03-2024 05:39:59

"Ravens star Lamar Jackson sends heartfelt message after bridge collapse in Baltimore - Mirror Online"

"A large container ship lost power and crashed into a pillar of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, causing a large portion of the overpass to fall into the Patapsco River down below"
27-03-2024 04:38:10

"Video shows the moment Baltimores Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses - CBS News"

"Video caught by bystanders shows the moment a cargo ship hit Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge – before quickly falling apart into the Patapsco River."
27-03-2024 04:37:05

"Newspaper headlines: 'Heartbreak bridge' and church 'asylum fiasco'"

"Wednesday's papers cover the Baltimore bridge and criticism of the Clapham chemical attacker's asylum."
27-03-2024 03:05:33

"Stroomstoring, eerdere botsing: reconstructie botsing Baltimore | RTL Nieuws"

27-03-2024 02:31:18

"Baltimore bridge collapse timeline: What happened before, during and after - CBS News"

"Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed early Tuesday after a large cargo ship struck one of its support columns. Authorities were searching for six people who had been working on the bridge, but it's now a recovery mission. Norah O'Donnell, "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor, and Kris Van Cleave, senior transportation correspondent, report."
27-03-2024 02:13:31

"Baltimore bridge collapse: 6 missing people presumed dead as search abandoned after 16 hours - Mirror Online"

"We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story"
27-03-2024 01:59:44

"Reflecting on the history of Baltimores Key Bridge - CBS News"

""CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell takes a look back at the history of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and what it represented."
27-03-2024 01:40:22

"Search efforts continue after Baltimore bridge collapse - CBS News"

"Search efforts continued Tuesday night following the collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge. The bridge plunged into the Patapsco River in the early morning hours after a cargo ship struck one of its support columns. "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell has the latest from Baltimore."
27-03-2024 01:32:58

"Politie stopt met zoeken naar brugslachtoffers: zes doden | RTL Nieuws"

"De zes vermisten die in het water vielen door het instorten van een brug in Baltimore zijn hoogstwaarschijnlijk dood, melden de politie en kustwacht. Zij stoppen daarom met de reddingsactie en beginnen als het licht wordt een bergingsactie. Er is een 'reële kans' is dat er nog meer auto's met daarin slachtoffers in het water zijn beland."
27-03-2024 01:30:59

"Baltimore Bridge: Cop begs for everybody to help in chilling audio as structure suddenly collapses - Mirror Online"

"'The whole bridge just fell down. Start, start whoever...everybody', a terrified police officer can be heard saying in an audio clip as Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed"
27-03-2024 00:14:40

"Biden belooft: federale overheid betaalt herstel brug Baltimore"

26-03-2024 22:37:47

"Baltimore bridge collapse witnesses recall warzone scenes as huge crash sparked earthquake fears - Mirror Online"

"Baltimore residents said a 'big bash of thunder' was heard and that buildings near the Francis Scott Key Bridge vibrated as if an earthquake happened at the time of the collapse"
26-03-2024 22:05:50

"Cars, sugar and cruises: How the Port of Baltimore closure could hurt the economy | CNN Business"

"The bridge collapse that has indefinitely halted the flow of ships in and out of the Port of Baltimore could hurt the local economy, strain supply chains and scramble deliveries along the US East Coast."
26-03-2024 20:53:30

"Baltimore bridge collapse: Daylight images show horrific aftermath amid desperate rescue efforts - Mirror Online"

"Photos show the devastating aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, which sent people plummeting to the cold Patapsco river — two of which have been rescued while six remain unaccounted for"
26-03-2024 20:52:48

"Video zeigt Containerschiff-Crash: Baltimore-Katastrophe nicht erster Unfall | News | BILD.de"

"Es sind Bilder wie aus einem Katastrophenfilm: Das Containerschiff „Dali“ gerät scheinbar außer Kontrolle und rammt einen Brückenpfeiler. Daraufhin stürz..."
26-03-2024 20:38:16

"Schiffsunfall in Baltimore: Sechs Brückenarbeiter werden vermisst | News | BILD.de"

"Sechs Arbeiter fielen ins Wasser, als die Brücke nach dem Schiffsunfall einstürzte. Nach ihnen wird noch gesucht."
26-03-2024 20:18:10

" Who is missing in Baltimores Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse? What we know about those unaccounted for - CBS News"

"The search continues for six construction workers following a collapse at Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge after it was struck by a cargo ship Tuesday morning."
26-03-2024 20:17:47

"Video shows what happened right before ship hit bridge | CNN"

"Video from StreamTimeLive shows the cargo ship Dali before it crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore and caused it to collapse. CNN’s Katie Polglase reports."
26-03-2024 19:38:33

"What we know about the Baltimore bridge collapse | CNN"

"A massive cargo ship plowed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday, causing the 1.6-mile bridge to crumble like a pile of toothpicks and plunge cars and people into the frigid water below."
26-03-2024 18:53:08

" What to know about the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore that left at least 6 missing - CBS News"

"Baltimore's Key Bridge collapsed after a cargo ship struck one of its supporting columns early Tuesday, plunging cars and people into the water."
26-03-2024 18:18:24

"Brücken-Katastrophe von Baltimore: Retter kämpfen gegen Zeit und Kälte | News | BILD.de"

"Nach dem Brückensturz ist die Suche nach Vermissten noch in vollem Gange. BILD-Reporter Herbert Bauernebel ist vor Ort"
26-03-2024 17:47:47

"Beelden tonen hoe kilometerslange brug instort in Baltimore | VRT NWS: nieuws"

26-03-2024 17:46:14