" Syrian President Bashar Assad flees country as government collapses and insurgents enter Damascus - CBS News"

" Syrian President Bashar Assad flees country as government collapses and insurgents enter Damascus - CBS News"

"Residents of the capital reported the sounds of gunfire and explosions, and President Bashar Assad's whereabouts were unknown."
08-12-2024 05:38:22

"Rebellen in Damascus, 'Assad op de vlucht' • Syrische leger trekt zich terug uit Homs"

08-12-2024 04:03:12

"Na 13 jaar Syrische burgeroorlog staan rebellen aan de rand van Damascus, regime op instorten | de Volkskrant"

"Het Syrische regime staat op de rand van instorten. Na een bliksemoffensief vanuit het noorden bereikten rebellen zaterdagmiddag de noordelijke..."
08-12-2024 02:37:15

"Newspaper headlines: Trump gives Prince 'approval' and Damascus 'falling' "

"Donald Trump said the Prince of Wales is doing a "fantastic job" and the Assad regime in Syria is falling."
08-12-2024 02:26:10

"Syrische leger trekt zich terug uit Homs • 'Operaties onderweg rond Damascus'"

08-12-2024 01:32:31

"Video: Nic Robertson says Assad appears to recognize his grip on Syria is loosening. Hear why | CNN"

"CNN’s Nic Robertson reports that Syrian rebels are searching for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, while army and police are abandoning their posts in the capital."
07-12-2024 23:46:40

"Uncertainty grips Damascus as rebels approach Syrian capital"

"There is a "sense of fear" about the days to come as rebels sweep towards the capital in the face of limited opposition."
07-12-2024 22:48:38

"Where is Bashar al-Assad? Rumours swirl despite denials he's fled Damascus"

"Rumours surround the whereabouts of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as rebels make advances into the capital city's suburbs."
07-12-2024 22:48:37

"Familie Assad naar Rusland gevlucht, maar Poetin zou Syrische president niet willen ’redden’ | Buitenland | Telegraaf.nl"

"De relatie tussen Moskou en Damascus staat op scherp nu het regime in Syrië opnieuw op omvallen staat. In de dagen dat jihadistische rebellen aan hun offensief in het noorden van Syrië begonnen, is de familie van president Bashar al-Assad naar Rusland gevlucht, meldt The Wall Street Journal. Maar het is nog maar de vraag of de Russische president Vladimir Poetin bereid is zijn bondgenoot Assad te „redden”, net als de Russische legerbasis die het heeft in Syrië."
07-12-2024 21:59:26

"Diplomatiek overleg in Doha over situatie in Syrië • Rebellen in Damascus"

07-12-2024 21:35:01

"'Opstand in wijk van Damascus' • Slag om Homs al begonnen"

07-12-2024 18:03:05

"Rebels close in on Syrias capital Damascus with Bashar al-Assad on the brink - World News - Mirror Online"

"Regime forces pulled out of towns just six miles from Damascus have been seized by local fighters, according to a UK-based human rights monitor"
07-12-2024 17:49:44

"Live updates: Syria civil war news and latest developments | CNN"

"Syria’s rebel alliance is edging closer to the capital Damascus, after anti-regime forces swept across the country in a lightning offensive. Follow the latest live news updates here."
07-12-2024 17:43:19

"Rebellengroepen naderen Damascus • Slag om Homs al begonnen"

07-12-2024 17:03:07

"LIVE | Syrische president Assad ontkent Damascus te zijn ontvlucht | Buitenland | Telegraaf.nl"

"Het Midden-Oosten stond al in vuur en vlam vanwege de strijd tussen Israël enerzijds en Hamas anderzijds, maar nu is ook de burgeroorlog in Syrië weer opgelaaid."
07-12-2024 16:35:52

"Rebellengroepen naderen Damascus • Trekken standbeelden Assad omver"

07-12-2024 16:14:43

"Rebellengroepen naderen Damascus • Trekken standbeelden Assad omver"

07-12-2024 16:14:42

" Syrian insurgents have reached the suburbs of Damascus in swiftly moving offensive - CBS News"

"Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said insurgents are now active in the Damascus suburbs of Maadamiyah, Jaramana and Daraya."
07-12-2024 16:10:15

"'Rebellen Syrië op 20 kilometer van Damascus', bondgenoten Assad verlaten land"

07-12-2024 13:39:27

"'Rebellen Syrië op 20 kilometer van Damascus', bondgenoten Assad verlaten land"

07-12-2024 13:38:34

"Syrische jihadisten zeggen zuidelijke stad Daraa te hebben veroverd | Buitenland | Telegraaf.nl"

"Syrische jihadisten hebben naar eigen zeggen in het zuiden van het land de stad Daraa veroverd. Dat zou volgens bronnen zijn gebeurd nadat met het leger van president Bashar al-Assad een deal was gesloten waarbij de regeringstroepen zich veilig mochten terugtrekken naar hoofdstad Damascus."
07-12-2024 02:15:44

"Syrian rebels advance in push to take capital city of Damascus - CBS News"

"Syrian rebel forces were approaching the country's third largest city of Homs, raising the prospect of the country's capital city Damascus being cut off from coastal areas that are a stronghold of President Bashar al-Assad. Chris Livesay reports."
07-12-2024 02:15:42

"Hundreds flee Syrian city of Homs as rebels advance further south | CNN"

"Hundreds of people appear to have fled the central Syrian city of Homs overnight into Friday, as anti-regime rebels push further south on the road to the capital Damascus."
06-12-2024 14:15:40

"Thousands flee Syrian city Homs as rebels advance further"

"Homs is the next city south on the road from Aleppo to Damascus, which the rebels have vowed to reach."
06-12-2024 11:15:42

"LIVE | Leger Israël: contactpersoon Hezbollah binnen Syrisch leger gedood in Damascus | Buitenland | Telegraaf.nl"

"Aanstaand Amerikaans president Donald Trump heeft zich maandagavond op Truth Social uitgelaten over de pakweg honderd gijzelaars in Gaza die "gewelddadig, onmenselijk en tegen de wil van de hele wereld worden vastgehouden"."
03-12-2024 18:26:52

" U.N. inspectors return to Syria to probe chemical weapons claims - CBS News"

"Team of investigators arrive back in Damascus to probe additional sites where chemical weapons were allegedly used"
02-12-2024 13:47:09

" Rights groups report offers compelling evidence of Syria chemical attack - CBS News"

"Analysis: CBS News' Elizabeth Palmer on Human Rights Watch report on the alleged Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb"
02-12-2024 13:15:26

" U.N. inspectors could point to perpetrator of Syria attack - CBS News"

"Two diplomats said the chemical weapons inspectors collected many samples from the deadly suspected poison gas attack on a Damascus suburb on Aug. 21"
02-12-2024 12:54:28

" Human Rights Watch says "evidence strongly suggests" Assad used chemical weapons - CBS News"

"Human Rights Watch says images obtained from Syrian activists show rockets from Damascus attack "associated" with chemical weapons"
02-12-2024 12:47:05

" Families in Damascus struggle to survive - CBS News"

"Opposition activist describes August 21 chemical weapons attack less than mile from her home"
02-12-2024 12:46:16