"Friends star Matthew Perry’s personal assistant, two doctors and several others, including one known as "the ketamine Queen", have been indicted for providing ketamine that caused the actor's death"
"L'assistant personnel de l'acteur, deux médecins peu scrupuleux et une dealeuse connue à Hollywood comme la « reine de la kétamine » figurent parmi les accusés."
"Matthew Perry’s personal assistant, two doctors and several others, including one known as "the ketamine Queen" have been indicted for providing ketamine to the Friends actor"
"Friends star Matthew Perry’s personal assistant, two doctors and several others, including one known as "the ketamine Queen", have been indicted for providing ketamine that caused the actor's death"
"Speaking to Josie Gibson and Rylan Clark on This Morning, Teri Hatcher revealed how she'd once been banned from a dating app, which allowed her to connect with Matthew Perry."