"Hear what Hillary Clinton told Amanpour about Navalny | CNN"

"Hear what Hillary Clinton told Amanpour about Navalny | CNN"

"CNN’s Christiane Amanpour talks to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the sudden death of Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalny."
17-02-2024 07:45:27

"Wekdienst 17/2: Zelensky spreekt in München • Demonstratie op de Dam na dood Navalny"

17-02-2024 07:30:30

"Putin saw an existential threat in Navalny, the opposition leader whose name he dared not mention | CNN"

"Alexey Navalny once represented an alternative future for Russia: an optimistic, forward-looking place, free of the one-man rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin."
17-02-2024 07:11:47

""Putin is responsible" for imprisoned opposition leader Alexey Navalnys death, Biden says - CBS News"

"President Biden is blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin for the reported death of opposition leader Alexey Navalny. The prominent critic of the Russian leader died in a Russian penal colony, prison authorities said. Weijia Jiang reports from the White House."
17-02-2024 02:25:42

"Aleksej Navalny | RTL Nieuws"

"Aleksej Navalny"
17-02-2024 00:57:55

"Opinion: In Navalny’s death, echoes of Stalin | CNN"

"Peter Bergen writes on the death of Alexey Navalny in Putin’s Russia, and how historical figures have shaped the president’s rule – in particular, Stalin."
17-02-2024 00:40:46

"More than 100 Alexei Navalny mourners in Russia arrested by balaclava-clad officers - World News - Mirror Online"

"According to the Russian human rights group OVD-info, around 100 detentions have occurred in eight cities, including of journalists and mourners across the whole county"
17-02-2024 00:29:43

"How 11 of Vladimir Putin’s biggest critics died under mysterious circumstances before Alexei Navalny - World News - Mirror Online"

"Over his more than two decades at the top of the Kremlin, several of warmonger Putin's opponents from political critics to turncoat spies and investigative journalists have been killed or assaulted in a variety of ways"
16-02-2024 23:49:56

"Navalny’s death puts a new spotlight on key dividing line between Trump and Biden | CNN Politics"

"The announcement of Alexey Navalny’s death on Friday thrust fresh urgency into the roiling debate in Washington over how forcefully to counter Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, a question of wide-ranging consequence on which President Joe Biden and his likely opponent Donald Trump have adopted diametrically opposed positions."
16-02-2024 23:38:32

"Honderden bij wake Navalny op de Dam: 'Hele dag aan het huilen' | RTL Nieuws"

"Bij een samenkomst op de Dam in Amsterdam hebben honderden mensen stilgestaan bij het overlijden van de Russische oppositieleider Aleksej Navalny. Navalny was Poetins grootste tegenstander. Aanhangers van Navalny houden Poetin verantwoordelijk voor diens dood."
16-02-2024 23:38:11

"'Navalny belichaamde het Rusland waar wij jonge Russen van dromen' | RTL Nieuws"

"Vol ongeloof en verdriet reageerde de 20-jarige Vanya vanmiddag op het nieuws van de dood van Aleksej Navalny. De half-Russische Vanya woont al 2,5 jaar in Nederland en zelfs hier is hij voorzichtig."
16-02-2024 23:38:08

"Aleksej Navalny, fel criticus van Poetin, in gevangenschap overleden "

16-02-2024 23:04:01

"Navalny geëerd in Russische steden, politie pakt mensen op"

16-02-2024 21:37:34

"‘I want to scream’: Russians react to Navalny’s death | CNN"

"Jailed Russian opposition leader and outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny, who made global headlines when he was poisoned with a nerve agent in 2020, has died aged 47, according to the Russian prison service."
16-02-2024 20:02:41

"Olaf Koens: 'Hoop voor toekomst Rusland is vervlogen' | RTL Nieuws"

"Oppositieleider Aleksej Navalny is overleden in een Russisch strafkamp. Olaf Koens, voormalig correspondent Rusland, kijkt terug op zijn ervaringen met de oppositieleider en blikt vooruit op de toekomst van Rusland."
16-02-2024 20:00:21

"Honderden bij wakes in Amsterdam en Den Haag • Biden: 'Dood Navalny maakt me woedend'"

16-02-2024 19:39:25

"See last known footage of Navalny before reported death | CNN"

"Video shows Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny appearing in court via video link yesterday, joking with the judge about how he is running short of money. According to the Russian prison service, Navalny has died while imprisoned at a Siberian penal colony. "
16-02-2024 19:20:09

"Honderden bij waken in Amsterdam en Den Haag • Biden: 'Dood Navalny maakt me woedend'"

16-02-2024 19:11:52

" Alexey Navalnys message to the world "if they decide to kill me," and what his wife wants people to do now - CBS News"

"Opposition leader Alexey Navalny told Russians what to do if he was killed, and his wife has a message for the world now."
16-02-2024 19:10:49

" Biden blames Putin for Alexey Navalnys reported death - CBS News"

"Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny died in a Russian penal colony, Russian prison authorities said Friday."
16-02-2024 19:10:46

"In beeld: verdrietige Russen leggen bloemen neer voor Navalny | RTL Nieuws"

"Op verschillende plekken in Rusland gaan mensen de straat op om hun steun te betuigen aan de overleden oppositieleider Navalny. Ze leggen bloemen neer en treuren om zijn dood: "Toen ik het hoorde was ik geschokt en wist ik niet meer wat ik moest doen.""
16-02-2024 19:09:43

"Alexei Navalny dead: Putin critic smiles in final footage just one day before dying on prison walk - World News - Mirror Online"

"A courtroom video from 15 February 2024 shows Alexei Navalny making a remote appearance from his prison in the Arctic Circle to a court in Kovrov, looking well and laughing "
16-02-2024 19:09:30

"Wat gebeurt er in Rusland na dood Navalny? 'Poetin zal ermee wegkomen' | RTL Nieuws"

""Geschrokken, ja, natuurlijk. Maar echt verrast hierover kan niemand zijn." Dat zegt hoogleraar Russische geschiedenis en politiek André Gerrits over de dood van de Russische oppositieleider Aleksej Navalny. "Het is een beetje de kroniek van een aangekondigde dood. We wisten dat het ging gebeuren, alleen niet wanneer.""
16-02-2024 18:44:48

"Russen leggen bloemen voor Navalny bij gebouw geheime dienst"

16-02-2024 18:13:13

"Watch Alexey Navalnys final court appearance a day before Russia reported his death - CBS News"

"Alexey Navalny appeared in court via a live video link a day before Russian authorities announced he died in a penal colony. During his court appearance, he jested at the judge to "fuel my personal account" because he was "running out of money.""
16-02-2024 18:09:22

"Alexei Navalny dead: Putin critics wife breaks silence after politician dies in prison - World News - Mirror Online"

"Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Alexei Navalny's wife Yulia Navalnaya said she did not know whether to believe the 'terrible' news as it has only come from Russian state sources"
16-02-2024 17:21:04

"Weduwe na dood Navalny: 'Samen optrekken om het kwaad te verslaan' | RTL Nieuws"

"De weduwe van de Russische oppositieleider Navalny reageert in een persconferentie op diens overlijden. In haar speech haalde ze fel uit naar president Poetin. Ze hoopt dat alle landen 'met elkaar optrekken tegen het strenge regime van Rusland'."
16-02-2024 16:45:04

"How Alexey Navalny became the face of opposition in Russia | CNN"

"Jailed Russian opposition figure and outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny, has died aged 47, the Russian prison service said. CNN’s Matthew Chance looks back at how Navalny became the face of the opposition in Russia. "
16-02-2024 16:10:43

"Analysis: Death of leading critic Navalny is a reminder of Putin’s paranoia | CNN"

"The what is known, but the how may never be clear. It is the why that is already the largest question, after the untimely death of Alexey Navalny. We don’t know whether the Kremlin had a hand in his death, but they certainly failed in their duty of care of their most famous prisoner."
16-02-2024 16:10:39

"See message Navalny recorded for Russian people if he was killed | CNN"

"In the documentary “Navalny,” Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny talks about his message for the Russian people if he is killed."
16-02-2024 16:10:21