" Philips settles suits over its DreamStation sleep apnea machines for $1.1 billion - CBS News"

" Philips settles suits over its DreamStation sleep apnea machines for $1.1 billion - CBS News"

"Dutch medical device maker Philips says it's reached a $1.1 billion deal in the United States to settle lawsuits over faulty sleep machines in a case that's rocked the company."
29-04-2024 12:37:29

"Philips betaalt 1 miljard euro schadevergoeding voor falende slaapapneu-apparaten in de VS | VRT NWS: nieuws"

29-04-2024 11:50:55

"Philips weet apneuaffaire in VS voor 1 miljard te schikken | RTL Nieuws"

"Philips schikt voor 1,1 miljard dollar (1 miljard euro) aan Amerikaanse claims in verband met de slaapapneu-affaire bij het zorgtechnologieconcern. Dat is aanzienlijk minder dan waarmee analisten hadden rekening gehouden."
29-04-2024 08:26:51

"Philips schikt voor 1,1 miljard dollar in de VS vanwege slaapapneu-apparaten"

29-04-2024 08:07:07

"Newcastle Building Society to help failed trust fund families"

"Philips Trust Corporation went into administration in 2022 with thousands of people losing money."
26-04-2024 19:01:25

"Prince Philips barbed warning about Meghan Markle to late Queen - Mirror Online"

"While the late Queen initially had high hopes for Meghan Markle when she first started dating Prince Harry, her husband Prince Philip was apparently less sure and shared his concerns with the monarch"
23-04-2024 15:15:14

"Meghan Markles cruel nickname showed Philips true feelings for her he couldnt get away from - Mirror Online"

"The late Prince Philip was said to have been 'wary' of Meghan Markle and drew comparisons between her and Wallis Simpson, the wife of King Edward VIII, and gave her a brutal nickname"
23-04-2024 05:19:31