"If Rishi can say Rwanda is safe, I can say anything I want too - and it must be true - Polly Hudson - Mirror Online"

"If Rishi can say Rwanda is safe, I can say anything I want too - and it must be true - Polly Hudson - Mirror Online"

"The Rwanda Bill states the African country is safe, when the Supreme Court decided it is not. If Rishi can have his own reality, so can I."
23-04-2024 19:12:26

"Five reasons why Rishis Rwanda Bill will not solve the UK’s immigration crisis - Mirror Online"

"Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says plans to send illegal migrants to the African country will deter them from crossing the Channel. But his new Bill looks likely to fail."
23-04-2024 18:31:45

"Piers Morgan brands Tory MP a halfwit and says he should be sent to Rwanda in deportation plan row - Mirror Online"

"Piers Morgan hit out at Tory MP and minister for illegal migration Michael Tomlinson on Tuesday demanding he be sent to Rwanda as he slammed the Government's deportation plan"
23-04-2024 17:47:35

"Vliegtuigen vol asielzoekers naar Rwanda: dit is waarom Verenigd Koninkrijk omstreden plan doorzet | RTL Nieuws"

"Na ruim twee jaar discussie heeft het Britse parlement ingestemd met een omstreden wet: mensen die illegaal het Kanaal oversteken naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk mogen worden uitgezet naar Rwanda. Nu moet nog blijken of de wet uitgevoerd mag worden, en of het plan van de Conservatieve partij gaat werken."
23-04-2024 16:33:16

" What is the U.K. plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda? - CBS News"

"A new U.K. law means asylum seekers arriving on British shores without prior permission can be deported to East Africa."
23-04-2024 14:40:19

"In dit hotel in Rwanda komen migranten na deportatie uit Groot-Brittannië | RTL Nieuws"

"Hope Hostel in Rwanda is al bijna twee jaar klaar voor de komst van duizenden migranten. Het is onderdeel van de migratiedeal tussen het Afrikaanse land en Groot-Brittannië. Correspondent Sophie van Leeuwen mocht er alvast rondkijken."
23-04-2024 14:38:45

"Rwanda Bill to become law but what happens next? Flights, accommodation, costs, and loopholes - Mirror Online"

"Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Safety of Rwanda Bill has finally passed through the Lords - but what happens next? The Mirror looks at when flights will get off the ground, how much it will cost and whether the plan will work"
23-04-2024 14:36:49

"Wat wint Rwanda hierbij? En wanneer vertrekken de eerste vluchten? 5 vragen over de omstreden Britse migratiedeal | VRT NWS: nieuws"

23-04-2024 13:19:31

"Othered: How systemic racism, xenophobia and religious discrimination were woven into the fabric of the United Kingdom"

"The government is pressing ahead with plans to send male asylum seekers who arrive in the UK on small boats to Rwanda. It’s just one event in a long British history of “othering”. Here’s how it all began."
23-04-2024 10:38:45

"Dozens get on small boat live on BBC Breakfast just as Tory Minister hails deterrent Rwanda Bill - Mirror Online"

"Illegal Migration Minister Michael Tomlinson said the passing of the Rwanda plan was a 'landmark moment' but said it would take time before the 'deterrent' effect kicks in"
23-04-2024 10:36:23

"Scotland's papers: SNP-Greens pact pressure and Rwanda flights"

"Calls on Humza Yousaf to rethink the SNP/Green deal and planned detention flights make the front pages."
23-04-2024 09:08:22

"Brits parlement keurt wetsontwerp goed om migranten naar Rwanda te sturen | VRT NWS: nieuws"

23-04-2024 05:36:35

"Newspaper headlines: Rwanda flights 'by July' and Huw Edwards resigns"

"A vote on the government's asylum bill and Huw Edwards' departure from the BBC lead the papers."
23-04-2024 03:37:57

"Rwanda bill to become law after months of wrangling"

"Parliamentary stand-off ends, opening the way for asylum seekers to be sent to the African country."
23-04-2024 03:37:53

"Brits parlement akkoord met plan om asielzoekers te deporteren naar Rwanda"

23-04-2024 03:03:22

"Omstreden migratiewet na dagenlang debat aangenomen door Britse lagerhuis | RTL Nieuws"

"Asielzoekers die illegaal het Kanaal oversteken en het Verenigd Koninkrijk bereiken, mogen uitgezet worden naar Rwanda. Dat heeft het Britse parlement maandagavond laat beslist. Een meerderheid van de parlementsleden stemde na dagenlang debat voor de omstreden migratiewet."
23-04-2024 02:16:04

"Brits parlement keurt Rwanda-wet rondom deportatievluchten goed"

23-04-2024 02:16:00

"Rwanda bill: UK passes controversial bill to send asylum seekers to East Africa after two years of challenges | CNN"

"The UK parliament has finally passed a contentious bill that will allow the government to send asylum seekers to Rwanda for their claims to be considered by the East African nation."
23-04-2024 02:14:09

"Rwanda: Why a migrant plane won’t be taking off tomorrow"

"The Rwanda bill has finally been approved - but planes won't be taking off any time soon."
23-04-2024 01:56:00

"Rishi Sunaks Rwanda Bill finally passes after months of bitter fighting - Mirror Online"

"After months of bitter fighting between the Commons and the Lords - as well as within the Tory Party - the Safety of Rwanda Bill finally passed its final hurdle"
23-04-2024 01:21:39

"Unease as Rwanda gears up for arrival of UK migrants"

"Rwanda is gearing up to welcome deported asylum seekers once the landmark UK bill is passed."
22-04-2024 23:56:22

"Rishi Sunak suffers fresh Rwanda defeat in House of Lords as peers refuse to back down - Mirror Online"

"Peers voted by 240 to 211 to demand a new monitoring committee that will consult the Government on whether Rwanda is safe before flights can start taking asylum seekers there"
22-04-2024 22:15:26

"Tories rejected pleas not to hold crunch Rwanda vote on Jewish holiday peers told - Mirror Online"

"Crossbench peer Lord Carlile said he was alarmed that the Government had ignored calls not to hold the House of Lords vote the first day of the Passover, or Pesach, Festival"
22-04-2024 22:14:22

"‘Heart-breaking’: Refugees once detained offshore by Australia warn the UK government not to push through its Rwanda policy | CNN"

"As the UK government seeks to push through a plan to send some asylum seekers and refugees to be processed in Rwanda, refugees held offshore by Australia speak out."
22-04-2024 17:43:36

"Bungling minister lets slip secret date of first Rwanda flight by leaving document lying around - Mirror Online"

"Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced this morning that the first flight will take off in July, but a government briefing paper shows it is actually scheduled to go sooner"
22-04-2024 17:38:52

"All Rishi Sunaks broken promises as he admits hell miss his Rwanda deadline - Mirror Online"

"Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has admitted his Rwanda plan will be delayed despite assuring flights would take off in the spring - but it is not the first time he has broken a promise"
22-04-2024 16:58:48

"Sex trafficking survivor and young daughter terrified after threats of Rwanda deportation - Mirror Online"

"A victim of sex trafficking and slavery has lived in the UK for several years and gave birth to her daughter here - but now faces being deported to Rwanda by the Home Office"
22-04-2024 15:40:44

"Tories sneak out stats showing small boat arrivals rose during Rishi Sunak press conference - Mirror Online"

"Data slipped out by the Home Office while Rishi Sunak gave a press conference on the Rwanda deportation scheme shows a surge people making perilous Channel crossings"
22-04-2024 14:53:00

"Ministers spoil for a public scrap over Rwanda bill"

"The government heads for a showdown with peers over its law to send asylum seekers to Africa."
22-04-2024 10:40:45

"Rishi Sunak to hold surprise Downing Street press conference this morning - Mirror Online"

"Rishi Sunak to address the nation from Downing Street before MPs and peers are expected to finally pass the Government’s Rwanda Bill later today following delays"
22-04-2024 08:21:20