"Sam Moore, the Memphis rhythm and blues singer, has died at age 89. He was part of the 1960s hit duo "Sam and Dave," whose hits included "Soul Man" and "Hold On, I'm Comin.'""
"Sam Moore, the surviving half and higher voice of the 1960s duo Sam & Dave that was known for such definitive hits of the era as “Soul Man” and “Hold On, I’m Comin,’” has died. He was 89."
"Sam Moore, who influenced musicians including Michael Jackson, Al Green and Bruce Springsteen, was inducted with Dave Prater into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992."
"Zanger Sam Moore is op 89-jarige leeftijd overleden, meldt zijn management. Moore vormde samen met Dave het soulduo Sam & Dave en overleed aan complicaties na een operatie."
"Sam Moore, who was the higher voice of the 1960s duo Sam & Dave, influenced musicians including Michael Jackson, Al Green and Bruce Springsteen, has passed away"