" Swiss Olympic snowboarder dies in avalanche at 26 years old - CBS News"

" Swiss Olympic snowboarder dies in avalanche at 26 years old - CBS News"

"Sophie Hediger, a member of Switzerland's snowboard cross team, competed at the 2022 Beijing Games."
24-12-2024 21:12:30

"Olympic snowboarder, 26, dies after horror avalanche in Switzerland - Mirror Online"

"Sophie Hediger, 26, a member of the Swiss national snowboard cross team, died in an avalanche at the mountain resort of Arosa, the Swiss Ski federation said on Tuesday."
24-12-2024 17:49:31

"Zwitserse olympische snowboardster Sophie Hediger (26) overleden door lawine | Sport | Telegraaf.nl"

"De Zwitserse snowboardster Sophie Hediger, die in 2022 deelnam aan de Olympische Winterspelen in Beijing, is op 26-jarige leeftijd om het leven gekomen in een lawine. Lees het verhaal nu op Telegraaf.nl/sport"
24-12-2024 15:59:28

"Lawinen-Drama in Arosa: Snowboard-Star Sophie Hediger (26) tot | Sport | BILD.de"

"Schreckliches Unglück an Weihnachten! Snowboard-Star Sophie Hediger (†26) ist tot. Sie starb am Montag bei einem Lawinenunglück in Arosa. "
24-12-2024 15:31:51